My blog was not that active for almost 2 weeks and so was I.Well, I got sick and was confined for 3 days at Capitol Med in the first week of the opening of classes at UST On the first day, I still attended the class but to tell you honestly, I didn't feel that good. My parents let me go to school since my body temperature was normal already in the morning. I wasn't that weak when I was in school, but I could feel that I was hot. I was just telling my friends that I was hot in a joking manner Plus, I did go to school without a mark of paleness on me for I still had the will to put on eyeliner, etc. Haha
I got blood drawn in my left arm thrice, once in my right arm and my left middle finger got pricked too. I don't have fear of the needle but to know that someone's going to suck out a blood in you... -___- it was kinda painful too. And the needle thingy wasn't over because of the dextrose
My doctors and nurses are really nice. In fact, the nurse who geared the dextrose was cute HAHA. But he was assigned at the ER, and when I was transferred in a room I had new nurses to take care of me.
I hate hospital foods, but the desserts... I got free pillow too! I dunno if that's a norm to the hospitals to bring home the pillow you used. But people, whatever you do, take in, and choose, BE SURE TO LIVE A HEALTHY LIFE! You don't want to regret something! I also noticed something. When you are sick, you'll easily get emotional. Is that applicable to myself only or you guys experience that too? Good news: I am now eating vegetables and not choosy anymore. Parents know what are the bests for you
I have no photos for I was too lazy to move those times. BUT NOW, I am hyper at school. Ask my blockmates, and you know that it is a fact =))