Few days ago, I tweeted that out of what I truly felt at that time. I was bloghopping personal blogs * which I miss doing than being linked to fashion blog*. I am not against it, I just like reading more personal posts and reading between the lines about what they feel. And oh I decided to set up a new blog that would be hosted under tumblr. I don't really feel comfortable sharing all my thoughts and feelings here for the reason that I want to maintain the decency of this blog. haha If you're thinking if I am going to leave this, my answer is no. I will still update this about the events I've attended, and thoughts like this that I consider safe to vent out on this main blog of mine ;) I can't just let go this blog in just a snap. Swear.
I don't promote the link on all of my accounts because I still want privacy from the people I know personally. But this time, I will share the link here within this post. I know this will be driven down by my new upcoming posts :)) Hihi. CLICK THIS: MY NEW BLOG :)