HOMAYGASH. My forever celeb crush is now 19 years old! Does that mean he's so near to get married? Hahaha. I'm just kiddin' Well, he will be FOREVER YOUNG The photo above is just a product of my boredom since I had nothing to do a while ago, I decided to play with my Adobe CS3 again after how many months of not using it. During high school, I often used it 'cuz of my lay-outing thingy in our official school publication. I kinda hate that task because it was more on positioning the text/articles on a right page on the newspaper and trying to fit it on the page. It's not so easy to do but now I'm already in college so goodbye lay-outing a newspaper. However, that experience in HS made me more patient and good in editing/lay-outing/doing graphics Hahaha. I'm kinda out of the topic sorry guys.
Going back... the boy in Maggi Sinigang sa Miso is now a really grown up Peter Pan. He has achieved a lot of things which can really be proud of. Congratulations Samuel! I kinda miss him. It was almost 4 years since I last saw him in person Well, see ya on your concert next year Sammy!! ;>
I will be a Samster forever. Swear! You will be forever my babe! Hahaha. *shocks kahiya*
I will blog about my 1st sem grades on my next post :| ;> THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO COMMENTED ON MY PREVIOUS POST! Alright, I have to take my dinner so bye.. toodles!